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Lumber Numbers Weekly Market Analysis

$595 per year or $59 per month*

Lumber Numbers Weekly Market Analysis includes the following

Market Analysis and Comments: The Lumber Numbers Weekly Report is a quantitative analysis of Western and Eastern Canadian SPF markets, Coastal and Inland Western US markets, and Westside, Central, and Eastside Southern Pine markets. The analysis includes historical price patterns, regional market breadth, and seasonal trends. A "Special Situations" page highlights extremely overvalued and undervalued lumber items and critical economic indicators

Relative Price Charts

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Relative Price Charts give a clear picture of value

Relative Price Charts: These unique charts show you if an item is undervalued or overvalued, whether it is gaining or losing on the market, and how the item has been priced relative to the market during the past several years.


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Teleconferencing helps you get the most value from your Lumber Numbers subscriptions


Risk Evaluator: Lumber Numbers analyzes price data to find important statistical relationships. Then we create tools—Reports, Charts, and the Risk Evaluator—to help you take advantage of our research. Teleconferencing provides ongoing interpretation, explanation, and education to help you get the most or our research and tools.

*Monthly payment plans require major credit card

See Lumber Numbers Weekly Report example.

See Lumber Numbers Relative Price Chart example.

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